Dr. Eng. Karol Tarnowski

He graduated from the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (WUST) in physics (2007) and computer sciences (2010). He obtained his PhD in physical sciences in 2012 for research on energy conversion processes in microstructured optical fibers. Since 2012, he has been employed at WUST, initially as an assistant, and now as an assistant professor. His scientific interests focus on modelling of linear and nonlinear light propagation in optical fibers and the possibility of shaping the dispersion properties of optical fibers. He is a PI of the National Science Center grant (Sonata Bis 8), and leads another National Science Center grant (Sonata 7). He was also involved in 4 other projects. He actively collaborates with a renowned foreign center – Laboratoire Interdisciplinare Carnot de Bourgogne in Dijon (France) in the field of non-linear fiber optics (Polonium Program 2019-20, NAWA). He is the co-author of 30 articles recorded in the Web of Science database, which were cited 336 times (h-index 10).

Wroclaw University of Science
and Technology
st. wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego
27, 50-370 Wroclaw

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