The IPC in Warsaw
The IPC in Warsaw is one of the leading Polish research institutions dealing with widely understood chemistry. In the ranking of scientific institutions run by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, IPC is listed at the top (category: large scientific units).
IPC collaborates with over 40 universities and scientific institutions throughout the world, including those with the highest reputation, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Max Planck institutes and the University of Cambridge. Scientists from IPC participate in many national and international research projects, including under Horizon 2020.
IPC has a solid record in both fundamental and application-oriented research especially on sensors, new materials for nanotechnology, and chemical functionalization of nanomaterials. The efforts of IPC and excellency in conducting research were appreciated by professional investor, who set up 2 spin-off companies with IPC.
As one of the first institutions in Poland, in 2014 the Institute was given the right to use the logo “HR Excellence in Research” and currently introduces to its internal regulations provisions of the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”. Following these principles IPC wants to become an internationally attractive employer and top European research institution, mainly by attracting skilful scientists, supporting researchers career development and engagement of the Institute to the society.