Pump-probe broadband spectroscopy setup for solotronic systems (72)

  • lasers
  • material studies,
  • semiconductors
  • time-resolved spectroscopy

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The setup enables performing time-resolved measurements by optical spectroscopy methods on semiconductor structures. In addition to bulk materials, it is possible to study structures with reduced dimensionality such as quantum wells or quantum dots, including those doped with magnetic ions such as Mn or Fe. Excitation and detection is possible in the wavelength range between 300 nm and 1300 nm. The bench allows the study of ultrafast (with an accuracy of the order of 100 fs) dynamics of exciton, spin and polariton effects in a semiconductor.

Elements included in the station:

  • 2 synchronized femtosecond sources,
  • UV-VIS_NIR spectrometers operating at 80 MHz
  • CCD camera
  • oscilloscope

Pricing (netto):

  • 450 PLN/hour

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