Dr. hab. Eng. Arkadiusz J. Antończak
Head of the Laser Micromachining Laboratory. His main areas of research are: laser modification of materials, laser emission spectroscopy, laser techniques and optoelectronics. He developed a number of technologies in the field of laser modification of materials, including:
- prototyping of nano- and microstructures,
- production and characterization of medical implants,
- laser ceramic metallization and production of metamaterials on its basis,
- controlled production of hydrophobic layers by laser surface functionalization,
- a reproducible method of colored metal marking with laser light (Gold Medal Brussels
Innova 2012), - formation of laser-induced coatings increasing the corrosion resistance of the
austenitic steels.
He took part in 16 national and international scientific projects. He is a co-author of 25 granted patents (including 1 international) and a co-author of 39 publications indexed by JCR (cited over 360 times).
Wroclaw University of Science
and Technology
st. wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego
27, 50-370 Wroclaw