About the event

Place: Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun

A scientific workshop was held on January 20-21, 2023, with a focus on Laboratory 1 of the NLPQT Project, The National System for Generation and Distribution of Reference Optical Carrier. The capabilities of the frequency distribution system and prospects for its use in science and industry have been presented. The following topics were also discussed:
•generation and comparison of ultra-stable reference frequencies,
•distribution of reference frequencies through fiber optic networks,
•time synchronization,
•the use of optical frequency standards in the spectroscopy of ultracold molecules, atoms and ions,
•applications of femtosecond lasers in frequency metrology and conversion to other spectral ranges.

The workshop included tours of the laboratories of the NLPQT Project and the National Laboratory for Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (FAMO).

The workshop was held at the Institute of Physics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziądzka 5 Street in Toruń, in the Aleksander Jabłoński’s Auditorium. Participation in the workshop was free of charge. Pictures from the workshop can be found at the bottom of this page.


8:30 Coffee break
9:00 Opening of the workshop
9:20 Session 1

Krzysztof Turza, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre

Development of Polish time and frequency distribution networks in the context of European connections

Maurice Lessing, Menlo Systems GmbH

Enabling Technology for Quantum 2.0 Applications

Tomasz Widomski, ELPROMA

Practical application of synchronization in distributed crtitical infrastructures

Tomasz Widomski, ELPROMA

The role of synchronization in the fusion of M2M telemetry sensors on the example of the FOSREM project

10:50 Cofee break
11:20 Session 2

Marcin Bober, Nicolaus Copernicus University

Ultrastable optical frequency reference

Grzegorz Soboń, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Femtosecond lasers and optical frequency combs

Katarzyna Bielska, Nicolaus Copernicus University

Molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency reference

13:00 Lunch
14:30 Session 3

Jochen Kronjaeger, PTB Braunschweig

Optical fiber links for frequency transfer I

15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Session 4

Mariusz Semczuk, University of Warsaw

Photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold cesium dimers: towards ground state molecules of KCs

Łukasz Kłosowski, Nicolaus Copernicus University

Interactions of trapped ions with optical beams

18:00 Gala dinner
8:30 Coffee break
9:00 Visiting NLPQT and FAMO laboratories
10:00 Session 5

Marcin Witkowski, Nicolaus Copernicus University

Cold atoms and molecules

10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session 6

Jochen Kronjaeger, PTB Braunschweig

Optical fiber links for frequency transfer II

Tomasz Widomski, ELPROMA

Time synchronization in the context of politics, law and security

12:30 Lunch